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A beautiful bouquet of Roses, wrapped in our Lush Gardens' Signature wrapping with a super mini cake from Guinness Bakery and a Valentine Card. Please select from the list how many stems of Roses you’ll like to order.


IMAGES ARE PURPOSED AS A STYLE REFERENCE ONLY and will vary depending on seasonal availability. Images show examples of our work, our florists will choose the best blooms for you. If you have a special request order, please phone 0818 453 0355.


PLEASE NOTE: We are unable to secure particular flowers, varieties, and colours. We import cold climate fresh-cut flowers and prices fluctuate due to exchange rate and other fees. Valentine preorder is very important in order to reserve your flowers. Full payment is required to process your order. All floral & custom orders are non-refundable once we process your order. We thank you for your understanding and continued support and patronage.

All My Love

PriceFrom ₦185,000.00
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